Communications Nova Scotia
Getting Nova Scotia vaccinated against COVID-19
- Integrated Campaign
- Production
- Research & Strategy
- Branding
Getting 75% of all eligible Nova Scotians fully vaccinated against COVID as soon as possible was the task. For the most part, Nova Scotians have a proclivity toward common-sense when navigating rough waters—so the majority didn’t need the hard-sell on getting vaccinated. They just needed to be reassured the vaccines are safe and effective, and in some cases, to be educated on the integral role vaccines play in helping end the pandemic.
We met with leaders in communities where uptake could prove more challenging and leveraged them to help in shaping the messaging.

We landed on the gentle but inspiring “Be part of our way forward” as the umbrella idea and line. Our “Heart” emblem became the visual anchor. During development we met with leaders in communities where uptake could prove more challenging and leveraged them to help in shaping the messaging and look and feel of some campaign elements. From there we rolled out a robust integrated campaign supported by many other initiatives that resulted from our creative platform being picked up by various stakeholders and activated wherever the need arose.

For the most part, Nova Scotians have a proclivity toward common-sense when navigating rough water.

Uptake was swift, with Nova Scotia leading the country in vaccinations during the first months of availability—and maintaining their place among the country’s most vaccinated provinces ever since.