Adapting Together
For the past two weeks we have tried to do our part and practice good Business Distancing. On Monday, March 16th we temporarily vacated our new location on Hollis Street in Halifax, and all set up our home offices. By Tuesday morning it was businesses ‘as usual’ and we all became expert ‘Zoomers’ overnight.
The world has also changed dramatically for all our clients, especially those in front line services such as tourism, retail and food service. How these businesses market themselves at the end of March is completely different from how they were planning at the beginning of the month. We are keeping in touch with our clients regularly and helping them plan for a return to better business days.
Over the weekend I asked a young guy at a craft brewery, as I was doing a phone order of course, how he’s making out. He said, “Well man, every day is an adaptation.” That profound comment stuck with me for the rest of the weekend.
Now into week three, I’m encouraged as Trampoline and Twist&Bits continue to work on a wide variety of clients and projects. Every day new projects come our way and our talented staff find innovative ways to provide great solutions. As our clients plan, pivot and navigate in this new reality we are amazed with the resiliency and fortitude on display by all. We are in this together.
After all, remember what Darwin so wisely wrote:
“It’s not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent that survives. It’s the one that is most adaptable to change.”